NEON GENESIS EVANGELION - OPENING THEME [J] zankokuna tenshi no youni shounen yo shinwa ni nare aoi kaze ga ima mune no doa wo tataitemo watashi dake wo tada mitsumete hohoenderu anata sotto fureru mono motomeru koto ni muchuu de unmei sae mada shiranai itaikena hitomi dakedo itsuka kizuku deshou sono senaka ni wa haruka mirai mezasu tame no hane ga aru koto zankokuna tenshi no teeze madobe kara yagate tobidatsu hotobashiru atsui patosu de omoide wo uragiru nara kono sora wo daite kagayaku shounen yo shinwa ni nare zutto nemutteru watashi no ai no yurikago anata dake ga yume no shisha ni yobareru asa ga kuru hosoi kubisuji wo tsukiakari ga utsushiteru sekaijuu no toki wo tomete tojikometai kedo moshimo futari aeta koto ni imi ga aru nara watashi wa sou jiyuu wo shiru tame no baiburu zankokuna tenshi no teeze kanashimi ga soshite hajimaru dakishimeta inochi no katachi sono yume ni mezameta toki dare yori mo hikari wo hanatsu shounen yo shinwa ni nare hito wa ai wo tsumuginagara rekishi wo tsukuru megami nante narenai mama watashi wa ikiru zankokuna tenshi no teeze madobe kara yagate tobidatsu hotobashiru atsui patosu de omoide wo uragiru nara kono sora wo daite kagayaku shounen yo shinwa ni nare [US] Like a cruel angel, boy, become a legend Even if the blue wind knocks on your heart's door, You, smiling, gaze only upon me In a trance, your pained eyes seek the things you desire Still not believing even in destiny But someday I know you'll realize, as you aim for the distant future, that on your back are wings A cruel angel's thesis-- Soon, you'll jump out of the window Burning with hot pathos If you betray your memories Embrace the sky, shining, Boy become a legend! While you are sleeping in my love's cradle, The dream messenger calls out only to you--the morning comes As moondrops reflect your slender neck Stop all the time in the world--I want to keep this moment If our meeting is to have meaning, I must follow the bible of understanding freedom A cruel angel's thesis--sadness now begins As you awoke from the dream, embracing life No matter who releases the light, boy, become a legend! While people weave love, they make history Just as the goddess never changes, I live A cruel angel's thesis-- Soon, you'll jump out of the window Burning with hot pathos If you betray your memories Embrace the sky, shining, Boy become a legend! [FR] Tel un ange qui serait devenu bestial Toi le jeune homme tu deviendras un mythe Et même, si un vent glacial.. Venait à frapper aux portes de ton coeur Tu me regardes encore, et si intensément En me souriant à moi toute seule Ces choses effleurées doucement, Que tu cherches à retrouver passionnément Elle ne voit même pas quel sera ton destin Ta prunelle encore innocente Mais quand finiras-tu par comprendre enfin, Que tu as des ailes dans ton dos Des ailes qui vont pouvoir te guider bientôt Vers un avenir très lointain C'est la doctrine d'un ange qui est bestial Il prendra bientôt son envol par la fenêtre Mais c'est à cause du Pathos qui rejaillit Que tu risques de trahir tes souvenirs C'est en embrassant le ciel étoilé que Toi le jeune homme tu deviendras un mythe